18 de diciembre de 2014


On behalf of Cuban Neuroimmunology Session is organizing the Third International Workshop on Neuroimmunology, which will be held on June 14th-19th, 2015 in Varadero, Cuba, during “First International Convention IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY -VACCIPHARMA 2015¨, a meeting of the Cuban Pharmacology Society. As part of International Workshop on Neuroimmunology we are also organizing the First Latin American Course of Neuroimmunolgy o ¨LACNI Course¨, a precongress course that will be held on June 11-13, 2015 at CIREN in Havana. Both activities will take place under the auspicious of International Society of Neuroimmunology.

The Scientific Committee will assemble a program including plenary lectures, symposia and interactive workshop, all reflecting the state of the art on the most current aspects in neuroimmunology, neuroimmunomodulation neuroimmunopharmacology and neuroplasticity in autoimmune, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders.

LACNI Course, an IBRO course will target interdisciplinary students from undergraduate to PhD level selected by their background. In case you are interested on applying to both IWNI and/or ¨LACNI Course¨, contact organizers to:maria.robinson@infomed.sld.cu.
Applicantions and abstract for both the course and the IWNI must be received by organizing committee before February 15st, 2015
Invited Speakers: Jack Antel (Cánada), Carlos Alberto Goncalves (Brasil), Gianvito Martino (Italy), Dario Siniscalco (Italy), Alina González Quevedo (Cuba), Ileana Lopetegui (Cuba), Diogo Onofre ( Brasil), Marcelo Kreiner (Uruguay), Liliana Francis Turner (Colombia), Osvaldo Daniel Uchitel (Argentina), Hartmut Wekerle (Germany), Margaret Fahnestock (Canada), Eduardo Arzt (Argentina), Cinthia Farina (Italy), Jorge Bergado Rosado (Cuba), Gisell Pentón Rol (Cuba)

Main Topics: Crosstalk of Immune and nervous systems, Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration, Neuroimmune mechanism in tissues injury and repair and neural plasticity, CNS and PNS autoimmunity, Neuroimmunology of the pregnancy, Neuroimmunoembryology and brain development, Multiple sclerosis, NMO, Stem cells therapy, Neuroimmunology of the microbiota, T-cells in Neuroimmune Diseases, Molecular mechanisms in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorder, Astrocyte signaling in neuroinflammation, Neuroimmunomodulation and CNS diseases, Alzheimer disease, Epilepsy, Strock, Huntington disease.

Contact information: Maria Robinson E mail:maria.robinson@infomed.sld.cu
Website: http://www.immunovaccipharmacuba.com
Website: http://www.ciren.cu

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